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Dental Tools in Pocket


What is a bridge?

A bridge is a false tooth designed and manufactured by our skilled technician in a laboratory. It is specific to fit onto your natural remaining tooth/teeth to fill the space of a missing tooth.

Why a bridge?

It is a permanently fixed in alternative to a denture. Also a less invasive alternative to an implant.

How does it work?


Our dental professionals will give you a pain-free numbing injection. (optional).


The teeth/tooth either side of the gap is reshaped to retain the new bridge.


Next we take a putty impression and a few shades for our technician.


2 weeks later we will see you to permanently cement in the prepared bridge.

When would I not be suitable for a bridge?

Missing numerous teeth

Poor teeth either side of the gap

Playing contact sports

Heavy bite

Things to Expect

The bite may feel initially different.

Winged bridges may de-bond and need to be re-cemented.

The average life-span is 5-10 years, sometimes at this point more complex treatment is required

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