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Dental Tools in Pocket


What is Gum Disease?

Often it starts with bleeding gums and bad breath, however as it progresses it can lead to longer, loose teeth and eventually the loss of teeth. Once it starts, the damage done is irreversible.

Can this be fixed?

Treatment starts with improving your oral hygiene and controlling risk factors such as diabetes or smoking. It is important to remember that this has to be a lifelong commitment, so we keep it gradual and simple.

How does it work?


We carry out a thorough examination of your teeth and gums.

Oral Hygiene

We will go through comprehensive oral hygiene advice in real life.


A deep clean of your teeth and gums to ensure you have the best start to recovery.


Finally we will review you at selected intervals to ensure you are staying on the right track!

What to expect?

Sensitive gums

Gum shrinkage as it heals

Sensitivity of teeth

Long Term

It is important to keep up with regular hygiene appointments so that we are not sliding back to how things were.

Repetition, practice and motivation are the keys to success. 

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