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Dental Tools in Pocket

Root Canal

Why do I need root canal treatment?

Any form of damage to the tooth, if it is bad enough, can cause your nerve to die. Sometimes this process happens quietly over time, other times it can present in the form of an abscess (severe swelling and infection) or toothache. 


If an infection is quite severe it can destroy your jaw bone around where the tooth is.

How does it work?


Our dental professionals will give you a pain-free numbing injection. 


Cleaning out and removing the dead nerve and infection from inside the tooth.


Once the canal is clean and dry we fill the space with a filling material.


Finally we will place the filling. We may then place a crown to keep the tooth secure.

Will it hurt?

We make sure that you have enough anaesthetic to be comfortable and experience no pain during the treatment.

Things to Expect

Initial sensitivity

The bite may feel initially different

80-90% success rates

Average lifespan of 5-10 years


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